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Welcome !
This homepage informs about the curriculum vitae (cv), activities and interests of Michael Bauer (PhD), a german chemist and teacher.
Academic Career
Born in 1963, I achieved my diploma in chemistry at the University of Frankfurt/Main in 1991. My scientific work field was basic medical sciences (working fields were extra-cellular matrix,
collagens, fibrosis, and angiogenesis) at the Universities of Berlin and Erlangen (publication list).
Becoming a Teacher
In september 2007 I quitted my scientific career to work as a temporary substitute at Emil-von-Behring-Gymnasium Spardorf, a highschool close to Erlangen. From 2008 to 2010 I have been an academic career changer to become a regular teacher.
Since 2010 I work as regular teacher of Chemistry, Biology and Physics at Kopernikusschule Freigericht._
Personal interests
I like to perform various kinds of outdoor sports, travelling and taking pictures (see pictures on page1 and page2).
Since summer 2012 I visit schools in Tanzania, e.g. at Kishumundu Secondary School and the VTC. Please feel free to visit my Moshi-Blog and Tansania subpages to see pictures and movies thereof.
From 2012 to 2020 (start of the COVID19 pandemic) I joined the student exchange program with our chinese partner schools in Tangxia/Dongguan and Guangzhou.
Contact me or leave a message in my guest book, if you like to know more!
Meine Internetentdeckungen zum Thema Musik gibt es hier.